Why America?

I am scared of what the future of my county will look like after what has happened.

  • Being disabled I am worried about my future
  • Being a part of the LGBT+ community I am worried about my future
  • Being a woman I am worried about my future
  • I am worried for the life me girlfriend will have because she is trans

I had an idea of what my future will be like and like everyone it has changed a few times. If you asked me yesterday what I thought my future would look like this is what I would have told you.

I will graduate college and find a job. Sophia and I would live together in a cute little studio apartment because we would always want to be together so why spend extra money for more space when we would just be together. We would save our money for Sophia to get surgery and whatever else she needed to transition. After her transition we would get married. If I had my way she would propose to me at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We would ether get married on the skull of the skeleton art thing in The Fault in our Stars or some place outdoors covered in snow. Sophia and I would both where dresses but hers would be more of a mermaid or A=line style while I had a giant princess dress and we would live happily ever after.

Now I do not know if any of that will happen…and that is scary.

I want to live in a county where my girlfriend can live the life she wants, where I don’t have to worry about being able to get married to a woman, and I shouldn’t have to be worried because I was born with cancer and am now blind.

Really can we just think about what this county has done for a sec…. We elected someone to office who has publicly mocked a disabled person… someone who did not choice the life they have and should not be put down by the leader of the country.

In the end I did my part and can not change anything. The moon will set and the sun will rise and we can still find hope in the strangest of places.




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