Monthly Archives: April 2013

What to say first

Well lets start with hello!! This is a place to share the ups and downs of my life as I try to make it in this world. If you couldn’t tell from the heading I am legally blind. This dose not mean that I don’t have a life or just see darkness. I still have enough vision to see (almost) everything…or at least I think I do. I am about to finish my first year of college with two majors that no one thinks a blind girl can do. There will be many posts about my thoughts, friends, classes, and many adventures that happen on my way to wherever I am going. Enjoy .)

A bit about me

So I figured before I start going crazy talking about my life a little intro might help. The only problem with this is that I will probably sound like a total nerd and really boring. Where to start? Well my favorite colors are pink and sparkles (Yes sparkles is a color). I have had a slight obsession with Harry Potter since my friends first told me about it in Kindergarten. I like movies that have at least one really good quotable line and probably quote them too much. My friends are my life ❤ I could never select one as a “best friend” because they each know a different part of my life. I have been going to camp since the summer after 4th grade. One summer I managed to survive going to 5 camps over the summer and space camp in the fall. Speaking of space camp I LOVE Big Bang Theory. The best part of watching is when I understand what Sheldon is saying. I really do watch too much to. I watch practically every reality show on and will probably go on some rant about them. The one thing I currently am looking forward to is what ever teenager is…SUMMER.  How I miss the late nights and not having homework and early mornings 🙂